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Kenya Makena Estate

Look for : Blackcurrant, grape, citrus

Origin : Kenya

Region : Kirinyaga

Varietal : SL 28, Ruiru 11

Altitude : 1750m

Process : Washed


Makena Estate is situated in Gariama location, Rung’eto sub-location, approximately 20 km from Embu town in Kirinyaga County. This region, part of Kenya's agriculturally rich Central Province, offers the perfect climate and soil for coffee cultivation.


Soil and Climate

The estate is blessed with reddish-brown volcanic soils, rich in minerals and organic matter essential for the growth of premium coffee. With an annual rainfall of 1,500mm and situated at an altitude of 1,750 meters above sea level, the farm enjoys cool temperatures ranging from 13°C to 26°C, creating the ideal environment for coffee production.


Hand-Picked Perfection

At Makena Estate, the coffee cherries are hand-picked with precision and care. Only the red-ripe cherries are selected, ensuring that each batch meets the highest quality standards.


Wet Processing

The cherries are delivered to the wet mill on the same day they are picked. Here, they undergo meticulous sorting to remove underripe, overripe, and foreign matter before pulping. Clean river water from the Nyamindi River is used for wet processing, which is then recirculated before disposal into seepage pits, maintaining high environmental standards.


Sun Drying

After wet processing, the coffee beans are sun-dried to perfection before being delivered to the dry mill for secondary processing. The entire process is carried out with the utmost hygiene and care, preserving the unique flavors of Makena Estate coffee.

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