In the heart of Junin's Rio Tambo district, the Tokio Farm, helmed by Miel Iquira Ruthbel and his family, stands as a testament to the dedication and craftsmanship behind Peruvian coffee. Nestled at an altitude of 1750 meters amidst clay soils and basking in an average temperature of 28°C, Tokio Farm specializes in the Marcelleza variety, celebrated for its exceptional flavor.
Miel, alongside his wife and two daughters, is an active member of the Ubiriki cooperative, where they produce a unique honey-processed coffee. This meticulous process involves hand-selecting the ripest cherries, which are then soaked in a fermentation tank for 48 hours. Following fermentation, the coffee is pulped, and the parchment is carefully dried in tunnels until it reaches the perfect moisture content of 11%.